The complete page is not ready
yet, but will be soon.
To summarize:
- I can send in bubble envelopes or small/medium sized boxes depending
on number of CDs ordered/traded for.
- I can send discs in paper sleeves rather than jewel cases if desired
to reduce weight and shipping cost, but do not accept responsibility
for any deformation of the inserts that might happen while in
transit, though I do package very carefully.
- I strongly recommend against sending discs in bubble envelopes
without a case. I will do so if buyer insists and will pack
cardboard strips, but will require insurance and will not accept
responsibility (outside of seller's insurance claim) for broken discs.
Jewel cases
- I do not guarantee full size jewel cases will arrive in tact without
any cracked or broken off pieces, however I do package carefully w/
extra bubble wrap and packing (newspaper, styrofoam peanuts, air
bags, etc.) when needed in boxes, and even extra bubble wrap around
discs sent in bubble envelopes. I will also be sure to
have all packages sent as a fragile parcel.
- For my higher priced rarer items, newish condition jewel cases will
be provided and everything will be packed with extra care with the
disc sent in a slim line case rather than in the jewel case to
reduce the possibility of the tray spindle pegs breaking off or the
jewel case
cracking and damaging the inserts in any way. For the
lower priced items ($5 and less), I reserve the right to use older
scuffed up cases
since jewel cases are a dime a dozen (figuratively...not quite
literally), and anyone who cares about having non-cracked cases in
collection will need to have a supply of new cases on hand,
especially if you order through the mail a lot. Standard jewel
cases can typically
be found online for $0.25/ea or less, shipping included, but
some distributors pack more carefully than others, and large bulk
orders of 200+
will almost always have some of them get scuffed up or cracked
in transit, pushing the average cost per case up just a little.